Monday, May 14, 2012

CYO Summer Camp Staff (Seasonal for 2 months) - Youth and Young Adult Ministry at the Archdiocese of Seattle (Downtown Seattle)

CYO Summer Camp Staff (Seasonal for 2 months) (Downtown Seattle)

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at the Archdiocese of Seattle has openings for Seasonal Camp Staff. These positions are seasonal for 2 months. Positions Still Available: Cabin Leaders, Lodge Leaders, Pool Director, Lifeguards, Horseback Riding Staff, Kitchen Staff, and Nurses.

The Archbishop is the visible principle and foundation of unity in the particular Church entrusted to him. In a unique and visible way, he makes Christ's mission present and enduring as Shepherd of the Christian Community. In order to fulfill his mission, the Archbishop employs suitable, chosen collaborators (clerics, religious, or lay people). He shares with them the apostolic mission and entrusts various responsibilities to them. (Directory on the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops, 198)

Each position employed in the Chancery helps to extend the ministry of the Archbishop in particular ways as outlined in the position description.

To ensure camper health and safety and camper spiritual development.

1. Implement faith development program and transmit the beauty of the Catholic faith and sacramental life to campers.
2. Communicate with participants to find out which activities interest them.
3. Recognize and respond to opportunities for problem solving in the group.
4. Provide opportunities for the group and each individual to experience success during camp.
5. Provide opportunities for discussion of individual or group problems or concerns.
6. Help each participant meet the goals established by the camp for camper development.
7. See that campers wear clean and appropriate clothing for the weather.
8. Make sound decisions and maintain safety on overnights away from main camp.
9. Monitor camper's basic needs to ensure proper hygiene, health, and emotional and physical safety.


1. Primary:
a. Willingness and ability to support the mission of the Church by extending the ministry of the Archbishop.
b. Ability and desire to use God-given gifts and talents in service of the local Church in support of the collaboration between lay and ordained Ministers.
c. Active member in the sacramental life of a parish/faith community in good standing with the Church.
d. A good example for youth in appearance, attitudes, as well as in moral, ethical and spiritual behavior.
2. Education:
a. HS Diploma or significant qualifying experience.
3. Experience:
a. Demonstrated successful experience working with children.

2. Other Elements:
a. Commitment to the mission and values of OYYAM.
b. Strong communication skills, verbal.
c. At least one season of camp experience preferred.
d. Current CPR/First aid preferred.
e. Bilingual in Spanish, preferred
f. Ability to work evenings and/or weekends and live on site in rustic facilities while programs are in session.
g. Must be at least 18 years of age.

To apply for this job, please visit our website at We require all applicants to submit our standard application. Resumes alone will not be accepted.

  • Location: Downtown Seattle
  • Compensation: Varies per position.
  • This is at a non-profit organization.
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.